updating oE ceil


include math.e 
namespace math 
public function ceil(object a) 

computes the next integer equal or greater than the argument.

  1. value : an object, each atom of which processed, no matter how deeply nested.

An object, the same shape as value. Each atom in value is returned as an integer that is the smallest integer equal to or greater than the corresponding atom in value.


This function may be applied to an atom or to all elements of a sequence.

ceil(X) is 1 more than floor(X) for non-integers. For integers, X = floor(X) = ceil(X).

Example 1:
sequence nums 
nums = {8, -5, 3.14, 4.89, -7.62, -4.3} 
nums = ceil(nums) -- {8, -5, 4, 5, -7, -4} 
See Also:

floor, round

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